
Generative design is simple

Generative design is simple.

Generative design is an innovative approach that combines artificial intelligence and advanced engineering techniques to create optimized and efficient designs. By inputting performance requirements and constraints into computer algorithms this method allows designers to explore a vast range of possibilities, ultimately producing designs that are optimized for weight, strength, durability, and other specific performance criteria. In summary, generative design harnesses the power of AI to generate optimal designs that push the boundaries of what is possible in various industries.

Despite the initially complex-sounding description, generative design has become remarkably simple through user-friendly software interfaces. Let's consider an example using a bicycle frame. To generate such a structure, only five basic CAD objects are needed: cylinders for marking boundary conditions such as seat positioning, steering fork bushings, and wheel hubs. The final object represents the area where certain components, such as pedals, wheels, chain, or the cyclist's body, should not be placed. Within the limited available space, the software algorithm finds the optimal shape for the frame.
The resulting design, while having a slightly futuristic appearance, closely resembles familiar bicycle frames. The only deviation from the traditional norm is the absence of a vertical pipe (seat tube). The program determined that it could be eliminated based on the specified conditions, which can be amusing. However, in subsequent iterations with higher safety factors, the seat tube may reappear in the generated designs.
Overall, generative design simplifies the process by leveraging intuitive software interfaces, allowing users to input basic CAD objects and constraints to obtain optimal designs.